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ThriveFirst Advocate: Wellness and Mental Health First Response
(Adult Training 18 years old-above)

ThriveFirst Advocate

Recognize. Empower. Support.


  • Recognize: Learn to identify early signs of mental health challenges, stress, and wellness issues in yourself and others.

  • Empower: Gain the knowledge and tools to take positive, proactive steps toward mental and physical well-being.

  • Support: Provide initial assistance to those facing mental health challenges, connecting them to professional help and promoting holistic wellness practices.


Become a ThriveFirst Advocate: Every Household Deserves a Mental Health Thrive First Advocate and Wellness Champion! Studies show that mental health literacy increases confidence  to help someone in distress
Get certified today and empower your family and community with the tools to recognize, respond, and support mental health and wellness. Be the first line of defense in ensuring a healthier, more positive environment for those you love. Start your certification now and make a life-saving impact!

This training is not intended to diagnose mental health conditions but to equip individuals with the ability to Recognize early signs of mental health challenges, stress, and wellness issues in yourself and others. Through this program, you'll Empower yourself with the knowledge and tools to take positive, proactive steps toward both mental and physical well-being. You'll also be prepared to Support those facing mental health challenges by providing initial assistance, connecting them to professional help, and promoting holistic wellness practices.

An Overview of the topics covered: 2 hours - virtual or in-person training

  • Mental Health Topics (adult, youth)

    • Mental Health 101

    • Depression and Mood Disorders

    • Anxiety Disorders

    • Trauma

    • Psychosis

    • Substance Use Disorders

    • Chronic Stress

    • Cognitive Decline

    • Memory/Dementia Care

    • Caregiver Burnout

  • Mental Wellness and Stress Management

  • Physical and Emotional Wellness - its impact to mental health, solutions and strategies

  • Holistic Health and Mental Wellness Strategies and Solutions

  • Recognize Risks: Emphasizes assessing for signs of mental health crises, including potential risk for suicide or self-harm. It is crucial to recognize warning signs such as expressing hopelessness, talking about death or suicide, or withdrawing from loved ones. Other indicators include reckless behavior, increased substance use, or dramatic mood changes. If someone's life is in immediate danger, it's essential to seek emergency medical assistance right away. If you suspect someone is at risk of suicide, don't hesitate to reach out for help by calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

  • Expiration: 3 years, refresher training is encouraged

  • ​FREE training - donation is encouraged to support our programs.


To register, please fill out the the form below:

I want to be Naturelle ThriveFirst Advocate: Wellness and Mental Health First Response Certified!

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If In-person, where are you located? Please note that our training locations will depend on our available trainers and number of participants
For our planning purposes, please choose your preferred training day/time
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